Life as a couple is made of many moments: from the first meeting to the magical “I do” until the next moments that enhance its wealth. Taking pictures of each of them is a magical present that you can give yourself. Catching them with a ‘click’ so as to relive them even after some time. In this sense, a marriage proposal photoshoot is the perfect gift to create a memory of the day you chose to give way to a future together. The prelude to the wedding, from where it all started. The role of the photographer is to impress on paper the emotion of a new beginning.
Marriage Proposal Photoshoot: How it Works
The marriage proposal is a surprise, and so is its photoshoot. Therefore, the task
of contacting us and entrust us with the role of photographer for the event will be up to the fiancé. The latter is generally a native of the place, but some of the requests frequently come from foreigners who have fallen in love with the Amalfi Coast and thus decide to crown their dream of love in its wonderful scenery.
In both cases, however, the professional’s role is to guide them to the planning of a day that will be extraordinary in every detail. The watchword in these cases is ‘organization’. Even the least organized men, thanks to my help, will succeed in creating the perfect moment.
Here are the most important steps towards the realization of the surprise marriage proposal:
Every good job comes from experience and knowledgeLocation and time are fundamental elements to choose for a surprise marriage proposal: the entire success of the event depends on them. In case the groom already has clear ideas on the chosen location, I will help him analyzing the pros and cons of this hypothesis: from the weather factor to that relative to the panorama, for example. If, on the other hand, the future husband is uncertain, I will show him some romantic and elegant solutions in the chosen location. As for the time, the doubts are usually few: the sunset time creates the right atmosphere more than any other. In this sense, one of the most loved backgrounds is the Amalfi Coast at dusk.
So that everything is perfect…Once you choose the location, it will be required minute planning between groom and<br /> photographer. It is necessary to have perfect angles and frames in order to achieve an optimum result for the surprise marriage proposal. The protagonist, thus, must know in which direction to look, the exact time of arrival, the conventional ‘signals’ to make, whereas his fiancée will be totally in the dark. All these details must not cause you any<br /> anxiety because we, as professionals, will coordinate everything.
Green light for the emotion…The conventional turning signal is the kneeling. When it is about to happen we can finally come out to photograph the scene of the “Will you marry me?” and the magical ‘Yes’ from the best angles. Your fiancée will be so enchanted by the surprise she won’t even notice our presence.
Finally betrothedThe second part of the photoshoot is, actually, a mini wedding preview. After the proposal, when the joy of “surprise” is still great, the couple will be the protagonist of<br /> a brief photoshoot at the location of the event. It is usually a romantic stroll, but there are<br /> several alternatives depending on location and timing. The ring, however, will be in plain sight.
We highlighted the importance of organization during the marriage proposal photoshoot but “spontaneity” is another fundamental element not to underestimate. The result of the photoshoot will be completely informal but romantic and
elegant at the same time. For this reason, it will be very different from the wedding and the preview photoshoots. The objective, in fact, is to enclose the unexpected happiness of the moment aroused by the “Will you marry me?”. However, the
atmosphere of freedom and lightheartedness will not fade even when we’ll come out to realize the photoshoot. You can feel free to express every feeling in front of the camera.
The Marriage Proposal Photoshoot: Why to do it
The marriage proposal photoshoot can be one of the highlights of your scrapbook.
The path to the wedding begins there. If you want your journey to be complete, you can give it the “go-ahead” with a precious gift. The pictures of the first “Yes” can be used by the spouses on many occasions. For example, on your digital wedding invitation or on the video that will be projected on the wedding day. The real motivation the marriage proposal photoshoot is priceless, however, is another.
It’s true that the most beautiful memories are cherished in the heart. Nevertheless, it is inevitable that they will become increasingly faded. Leafing through the pages of the book of your life, instead, you can relive the emotions of your magical marriage proposal with the snap of a finger. Although distant in time and place, it will be vivid.
You will not regret it!